Thursday, June 20, 2013


            So, I know it has been awhile since I last updated the blog, but between flying, driving, and very little Internet connection updating has been difficult. I figured I would give you a short synopsis of my last couple of weeks in Nepal and one of the biggest lessons God taught me on this trip. Well, we trained over 130 students in five different areas throughout Nepal, hiked over 140 miles throughout the Himalayas, experienced village life, and met numerous Nepali people. I think some of the highlights for me were visiting the Buddhist Monasteries, spending quality bonding time with the team, hiking, and drinking chai while making friends with the local shop owners. Let me tell you, the Nepali people really know how to make a good cup of tea. It is kind of hard to describe everything that took place over the past month, because it would be more of a book than a blog. However, God really did some amazing things in our team and in my own personal life. Through the team, He taught us how to work together. My team was from three different countries with three very different approaches to life. However, through some disagreements, encouragements, and teachings we learned to work together. It wasn’t easy at times, learning to co-operate is painful at times, but you do it. I think the biggest thing God taught me through my team was that even though people have differences, you could work together.     Each team member had a different idea of a leader and how things should be led. When we sat down and were able to discuss these ideas, we were able to encourage and teach each other valuable lessons as well as new approaches. These are some of the important lessons in life I learned: how to bring a team together, learning to work through disagreements, how to approach someone when they hurt you, and learning to love each other for who they are and not their differences in theology, politics, or approaches to life. Before Nepal my ideas on life, where extremely one-sided and I would preach out of one side of my mouth and at that moment I would be doing the exact thing I told others not to do. I thank God so much for showing me that I was wrong, but what is so amazing to me was that He corrected me in the most amazing and loving way a Father could. 
Before, it always seemed to me that God was waiting for you to mess up, ready to condemn you. In my mind if I tried to do everything right and hold it together, then I would be okay. Being the expert I thought I was, I dealt with issues and problems in my own life the way I thought they should be handled.  However, God came in and showed me how much I needed him. He showed me how my own strength will not suffice and I will always fail. God was never condemning or harsh; rather at first he let me do it my own way as I stubbornly refused to listen to Him. Then, when I failed and realized I couldn’t do this on my own, He came in and taught me. God showed me areas I could work on through experiences with the Nepali people, the dynamics of team, and previous relationships I had.  Through these incidents He exposed the areas where I had failed then spoke to me through His word in how to correct the problems. After that the painful process began. He began to dig deeper to the root of the problem and I was able to find peace in issues I never thought I had. Again, the amazing part of it all was He loved me. In all my mistakes and dirt, He picked me up, dusted me off, and showed me how to learn from them. Life is still a continual process of learning and I know I am nowhere near having it all together, but I can’t wait to see where God teaches me in the next years. If I can share anything, it’s that He is a God of love, no matter where you have been or what has gone in your life He has an endless supply of grace, even for people like me who thought they had everything figured out and in a picture perfect frame. God loves you- just know that.

As of right now I am back in South Africa finishing our debriefing week before we graduate on Sunday. It is almost surreal how fast the time has gone and that I will be heading back to Texas in the next two weeks. I am sad to leave South Africa, it has grown to become home to me. God really blessed me with great friends and amazing memories I won’t ever forget. Along with that He has given me a whole new perspective on life and has opened my eyes to a relationship with Him that I never knew I could have. This experience was life changing and one I would never take back. I’ve learned life lessons in how to adapt to various routines and to do life with different cultures. I know this last blog was a little more serious, but I really hoped to share my heart. I hope you guys have enjoyed the previous blogs.  I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read them. Thank you! I can’t wait to see everyone again!